Our 2008 Show & Sale is history for another year, but thanks to our twin photographers John & Jim Staub, we have a pictorial history to remember the highlights of our Auction and our Show & Sale.
First place winner in our display board competition was Marilee Tillstrom’s “Hardanger, Norwegian Embroidery.”
Jocelyn Howells’ display of “Fantasy” cards was runner-up in the display board competition.
Don Van Osdol, Dusty Schmidt, Janet Davidoff, Jim Holley & Betsy Clester at our banquet buffet
David & Janice Sams, Carol Furness, Judith & Glenn Mason await the beginning of our auction.
Eagerly awaiting the auction are Arne Soland, Irene Adams, Dean Adams, Jeff Motsinger and Sandra Millius.
Action on the Auction floor showing Cindy Smith, Jim Staub, Glenn Mason and Roger Adams.
More of the excitement at our Auction.
Auction buyers check out with the assistance of (from right behind counter) Irene Adams, Phyllis Palmer and Betsy Clester.
Jackson Armory at 6255 NE Cornfoot Rd in Portland, Oregon, site of our 28th Annual Show & Sale, the fourth successful show held at this Armory.
Roger Adams chats with Authors attending Our Book Faire (from left): Kirby Brumfield, Walter Fortner and Don Nelson. Elizabeth Clock’s husband Paul wrote “The Saga of the Pacific Railway & Navigation Company,” and she shares Kenn Lantz knowledge of the locations of the photos. Unfortunately, Paul’s health issues didn’t allow him to attend.
Postmaster Geri Cansler (right) orders more stamps after running out of Forever Stamps. Apparently she broke all sales records for Forever Stamps in one day.
New to our show this year was Anne Lynch.
Colleen Weum, also a new dealer at our show, chats with Terry Martin.
Carol Furness always has a great selection of cards and ephemera.
Jocelyn Howells and Shirley Pollak share a light moment.
Bob Childs chats with Morris Gant while Arne peruses the cards.
Sharing their latest finds are Richard Sasaki, Norm Gholston, Joe Macdonald and Glenn Mason.
Bus Gibson asks Dusty Schmidt for any new Gorge cards
Glenn Thiesfeld unpacks his cards.
Henry Pollak in a light moment.
Terry Weis in a rare free moment.
Glenn Thiesfeld assists Jerry Kelly with scanning of postcards.
Jim Staub shows some of his successful purchases.
Kenn Lantz and Dave Sell hunt for postcards.
Keith Tillstrom hunts for some cards to add to his collection.
Norm Moore shows his stock to Tim Boardman.
Show attendees peruse the cards at the Show.
Brittany Bower and Kim Wolfer watch the cards.
Melinda and Terry Martin share a laugh.
Steve Kuryk finds some matchbook covers to add to his collection.
Thanks to twin photographers John and Jim Staub for taking the photos.